November 15, 2006

Ebony And Ivory

It seems that lately I've been overwhelmed with the horrific state of our planet, and most disturbingly our country. I am finally convinced that we are, indeed, becoming more stupid with every passing year. In certain circles it is acceptable to say words like "ax" instead of "ask." It's a fashion statement for young men to wear their pants below their butts and for young women to bare all rolls of fat on their bodies. Little children are fighting like pit bulls while their parents and other adults cheer them on. While the hip-hop, gansta, whatever-the-hell-you-want-to-call-it culture has grated on my last nerve and makes me throw up in my mouth a little, the lily-whites ain’t exactly making this country proud either.

This handsome young man is the “Property of Jolene,” according to the tattoo across his forehead. What a lucky girl! Above his right eye is tattooed “Skin,” and above the left, “Head.” As you can see his is giving up the pure white look for an all-blue appearance. Doesn’t that make him colored?

Cause for concern is this guy, whose tattoo really caught my eye. “Reject.” Clever, concise, and probably very appropriate. His signage gives onlookers ample warning as to what they’re dealing with.

Here’s a beauty. He’s looking kind of sassy with his smirk and cocked head. Look very closely at the tattoos masquerading as eyebrows:

This guy is just sad. He’s like a cartoon. I pity him. He looks like a grown-up shaken baby. Poor guy. Let’s have a pool on who can guess his IQ. I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10.

And may I present to you, the Devil. This has got to be the most frightening-looking creature I have ever laid eyes on. Where did it all go wrong, scary man? He’s another of our friends in the Aryan Brotherhood with the tattoos “Aryan” and “Honor” above his eyes, and a swastika on his throat. Really, I think this guy is channeling Satan himself. The pointy-looking ears and glowing red eyes make him look even more demonic.

So let's all hold hands and celebrate diversity!

(Mug shots courtesy of The Smoking Gun.)

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